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Installation instructions


Installation Overview

ReverseDOS is really easy to install. Once you download and unzip the 100% free binaries, you just need to copy the assembly (.dll) into your bin directory, copy the ReverseDOS.config file into your root, and add a single directive to your web.config. The process is easy, and you should be able to complete it in about 10 minutes.

Upgrading from Previous Versions

If you are upgrading from previous versions, please make sure you read about upgrade information.

Step 1: Copy .dlls

Copy the Assemblies into your site: Once you've downloaded and unzipped the binaries, just copy the \bin\AngryPets.Web.Frameworks.ReverseDOS.dll file from the zip file into your site's \bin\ directory.

WARNING: If your site contains multiple virtual directories, and you place ReverseDOS in the root of your site, you will NEED to copy the ReverseDOS assemblies into all of your virtual directories.

Virtual Directory Only: If you just want ReverseDOS in a virtual directory, for, say, your blog, then just drop it in that virtual directory, and modify ONLY that web.config in the subsequent steps.

Step 2: Modify Your Web.Config

HttpModule Directives: Once the assemblies and config files are in place, you just need to provide a directive telling ASP.NET to add the ReverseDOS HttpModule to the ASP.NET pipleline. It's very simple:

  1. Search your web.config for an <httpModules> node.
  2. If you already have an <httpModules> node: then just paste the following code into that node with your existing directives for HttpModules.
  3. If you do NOT have an existing <httpModules> node: you'll need to create it by pasting in the following code. The best place to place this node is down at the very bottom of the <system.web> node -- unless you see an <httpHandlers> node (if you do, put it just ABOVE that node).
  4. If you are upgrading from previous versions: make sure that you do NOT have any custom config handlers or other config sections from ReverseDOS in your web.config. (All of this info has moved into the ReverseDOS.config file now to avoid causing a restart of your app when you make modifications.)

(Note: If the clipboard icons don't do anything when you mouse over them, then you have scripting turned off. To get the code you need to copy and paste, click here.)

Step 3: Add ReverseDOS.config

Copy the ReverseDOS.config file: ReverseDOS uses it's own config file (so that changing/adding filter definitions doesn't restart your site). Copy the ReverseDOS.config file from the unzipped binaries folder into the root of your site (or the root of the virtual directory where you are deploying ReverseDOS).

If you have virtual directories: When ReverseDOS starts up it will look for the config file in the following places (in the following order):
ReverseDOS.config (i.e. current/root directory of the site)
../ReverseDOS.config (i.e. one directory up)
../../ReverseDOS.config (two directories up.

This behavior occurs only once. If ReverseDOS can't find the config file, it throws an exception when it loads. The idea with searching parent directories is to make virtual directories much easier to configure. Rather than keeping a separate config file for each virtual directory (i.e. gallery, blog, etc.), you just keep one in your root, and any virtual directories up to two 'generations' away will be able to config off of that one file.

Step 4: Configure ReverseDOS

Congrats! You've just installed ReverseDOS. Now you just need to configure it. Configuration is a snap, and it's something you can constantly tune to meet your needs. Instructions for configuration are found on the configuration page.